The cos() function returns the cosine of radians. The output range for the cos() function is -1 ≤ cos() ≤ 1.
print("Cosine Waveform: \n\n") print(" -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1\n") print(" +----+----+----+----+\n") i=0.0 while (i <= 3.2) { printf("%4.2f ", i) cosine=cos(i) plot=int(10 * cosine) + 10 if (plot < 10) { before="" j=1 while (j <= plot) { before= before + " " j++ } after="" j = plot while (j < 9) { after=after + " " j++ } print(before, "*", after, "|") printf(" cosine = %+8.6f\n", cosine) } else { if (plot == 10) { print(" *") printf(" cosine = %+8.6f\n", cosine) } else { print(" |") before="" j=11 while (j < plot) { before=before + " " j++ } print(before, "*") after="" j=plot+1 while (j <= 24) { after=after + " " j++ } print(after) printf("cosine = %+8.6f\n", cosine) } } i =i + 0.1 }