Mwnci main functions are loaded at application start
Command | Definition |
bin2dec() | Returns a decimal number from the given binary number. |
cls() | Clears the screen and places the cursor at the top left. |
contains() | Returns true if a string contains the given word. |
enumerate() | Returns the contents of an array as a collection of array pairs, and adds a counter as the key of the enumerate array. |
fromkeys() | Returns a hash with the specified keys and the specified value. |
getblock() | Returns an array of strings between and including the first string an second string from an array. |
getfileblock() | Returns an array of strings between and including the first string an second string from a file. |
head() | Returns the designated amount if lines from a string, or first amount of elements from an array. |
interpol() | Returns a string with tokenised names replaced by the hash token value. |
intersect() | Returns an array that contains the items that exist in both array x, and array y. |
isrsorted() | Returns true if the contents of an array are sorted in descending order. |
items() | Returns an array containing the key-value pairs of the hash. |
lines() | Returns the amount of lines in a string (where lines are separated by “\n”). |
lookupcname() | Returns the canonical name for the given host. |
lookuphost() | Returns an array of the named host’s addresses. |
lookupip() | Returns an array of that host’s IP addresses. |
lookupmx() | Returns the DNS MX records for the given domain name sorted by preference. |
lookupns() | Returns an array of the name servers for the given host. |
lookupptr() | Returns an array of domain names for a given IP address. |
lookuptxt() | Returns an array of the TXT records for the given host. |
map() | Executes a specified function for each item in a string or array. |
max() | Returns highest value within the named array. |
min() | Returns lowest value within the named array. |
oct2bin() | Returns binary string equivalent of an octal number. |
oct2dec() | Returns decimal equivalent of an octal number. |
oct2sym() | Returns symbolic notation of file permissions for the given octal number. |
procexists() | Returns true if the given PID exists, otherwise false. |
rest() | Returns a new array with the first element of array removed. |
rindex() | Returns the position of the search item (indicated as an integer) in a string or array. |
rotl() | Rotates the items in a string or array to the left. |
rotr() | Rotates the items in a string or array to the right. |
rsort() | Returns an array in reverse sorted order. |
rsortips() | Returns an array in reverse sorted order. |
sec2time() | Returns elapsed days, hours, minutes seconds as a hash for the given amount of seconds. |
tail() | Returns the last designated amount of lines from a string, or last amount of elements from an array. |
unzip() | Returns an array of zipped data into separate arrays within an array container. |
usort() | Returns a new array sorted in ascending order, with duplicates removed. |