Built-in Functions
Command | Definition |
abs() | Return the absolute value of a number |
accept() | Accept a socket connection |
acos() | Return the arcosine of the argument |
args() | Returns an array containing the calling application command line arguments. |
asctime() | Returns the formatted date/time of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
asin() | Returns the arcsine of sine, that is, the length in radians of the arc. |
assert() | Exits the program immediately with a non-zero status if `expr` is `false` optionally displaying `msg` to standard error. |
atan() | returns the arctangent of tangent |
base64dec() | Returns the base64 decoded output |
base64enc() | Returns the base64 encoded output of the given string |
basename() | Returns the last element of path. |
batch() | Returns a new array split into smaller batch (chunk) sizes. |
bin() | Returns the binary equivalent of a given number. |
bind() | Connect to a socket file descriptor using host:port |
bool() | Converts the given value to a boolean.. |
cargs() | Returns an array of arguments from a given string. |
cat() | Returns the contents of file filename as a single string. |
cbrt() | Returns cubed root of a given value. |
cd() | Move to a different directory. |
checkip() | Checks the given IP address is valid |
chmod() | Change the access permissions of the named file. |
chown() | Change the numeric uid and gid of the named file. |
chr() | Returns the ASCII character of the given integer. |
cls() | Clears the screen and places the cursor at the top left. |
cos() | Returns the cosine of radians. The output range for the cos() function is -1 ≤ cos() ≤ 1. |
cosh() | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the number given |
count() | Return the number of elements with the specified value. |
cp() | Copies a file to another named file or destination. |
cumulative() | Returns an array by increasing by one element after another, and including all the amounts that have been added before. |
cut() | Returns the text before and after the given separator. |
date() | Returns the current date and time as a 24-character string. |
delete() | Remove the designated key and it’s content from the named hash. |
difference() | Return the list of elements that are unique to a specified array. |
dirpath() | Returns all but the last element of a given path,. |
exit() | Exit script immediately with a given status. |
extend() | Adds the specified list elements to the end of the first named list. |
fields() | Returns an array of a string split around one or more consecutive white spaces. |
file() | Returns information about a file. |
first() | Return the first element of an array. |
float() | Returns a string or integer as a floating point number. |
getegid() | Returns the numeric effective group id of the calling process. |
geteuid() | Returns the numeric effective user id of the caller. |
getgid() | Returns the numeric group id of the calling process. |
getpid() | Returns the process id of the running program. |
getppid() | Returns the process id of the running program’s parent process. |
getuid() | Returns the numeric user id of the running process. |
getwd() | Returns a rooted path name corresponding to the current directory. |
glob() | Returns an array of file names matching the glob pattern. |
hasprefix() | Tests whether a string begins with the chosen prefix. |
hassuffix() | Tests whether the string ends with suffix. |
hex() | Returns the hexadecimal version of a decimal number. |
hostname() | Returns the host name of the computer. |
include() | Inserts the contents of another file into the source code |
index() | Returns the position in a string or array at which search string begins. |
input() | Return result of a string entered by keyboard. |
insert() | Returns the result of inserting the specified value at the specified position of an array. |
int() | Returns a string or floating point number as an integer. |
ipincidr() | Returns the IP address if it belongs in a CIDR block. |
issorted() | Checks if an array is already sorted. |
items() | Returns an array containing the key-value pairs of the hash. |
join() | Returns a string created from a concatenated array and separator. |
keys() | Returns an array of hash keys. |
kill() | Terminate a given process. |
last() | Returns the last element of an array. |
len() | Return the length of a string, hash, or array. |
ltrim() | Returns a string with all leading characters contained in cutset removed. |
match() | Returns a string holding the text of the leftmost match of the regular expression. |
mkdir() | Create a directory. |
mkdirhier() | Create a directory and any parent directory. |
oct() | Returns the octal equivalent of a decimal number. |
ord() | Returns the ASCII value of a given character. |
pop() | Removes and returns the element from the end of the array. |
print() | Prints text to the current console/terminal. |
printf() | Formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output. |
println() | Prints text to the current console/terminal. |
push() | Returns an array with the appended value. |
random() | Returns a pseudo-random integer. |
range() | Returns a sequence of numbers. |
readpw() | Returns non-echoed keyboard input. |
regexp() | Returns an array of matched lines from a file. |
repeat() | Returns a new string consisting of n copies of the string. |
replace() | Returns a copy of the string s with the first n non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new. |
replaceall() | Returns a copy of the string s with all non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new. |
reverse() | Returns the reversed contents of an array or string. |
rtrim() | Returns a string with all trailing characters contained in cutset removed. |
set() | Return hash or array with modified/added key/pair, or array index. |
setenv() | Sets the value of the environment variable named by the key. |
shift() | Returns a new array with the first element of `array` removed.. |
shuffle() | Returns a new array with the elements in a random order. |
sin() | Returns the sine of a number. |
sinh() | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number. |
sleep() | Pauses the application for the stated duration. |
socket() | Returns a file descriptor of a socket awaiting configuration. |
sort() | Returns a new array with data in ascending order. |
split() | Splits a string into an array. |
splithostport() | Splits a string of host:port values into an array |
sprintf() | Formats according to a format specifier and returns the result. |
string() | Returns any data type as a string. |
substr() | Returns a substring of a given string indicated by the starting position and the substring length. |
sum() | Returns a number, the sum of all items in an array. |
swap() | Returns a new array, with the values of the given indexes swapped. |
syslog() | Simple interface to the system log service. |
system() | Returns the output of a system command as a string. |
tan() | Returns the tangent of the radian argument. |
tanh() | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the argument. |
time() | Returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT January 1, 1970. |
tmpnam() | Creates a new temporary file. |
tolower() | Returns a string where all characters are lower case. |
touch() | Updates the modification time of a given file. |
toupper() | Returns a string where all characters are upper case. |
trim() | Returns a string with all leading and trailing characters contained in cutset removed. |
trimprefix() | Returns a string with the stated prefix removed. |
trimsuffix() | Returns a strings with the stated suffix removed. |
type() | Returns the data type of the given value. |
ucount() | Returns a hash containing a count of unique elements in an array |
union() | Returns a set that contains all items from the original array, and all items from the specified array(s). |
uniq() | Returns an array with all duplicates removed. |
unlink() | Removes the named file or empty directory. |
unsetenv() | Unsets a single environment variable. |
whoami() | Returns the username (login name) of the user that is running the current process. | zip() | Returns a new array using combined elements of named arrays. |