What is MSL?

The Mwnci Scripting Language (MSL) is based on Monkey, with bits and pieces ripped from here and here. And I wouldn’t have got anywhere without Writing An Interpreter In Go,

MSL is an interpreted language (I’ve not read the sequel to “Writing An Interpreter In Go”) for writing applications. It’s also a good language for writing arbitrary commands and tasks.

MSL sacrifices some of the completeness of languages such as C, Perl, or awk while implementing some of the statements and functions that make those languages so powerful and popular.  MSL is very much like Python mixed with C, and shouldn’t be too difficult to pick up if you are familiar with those languages.

An MSL script consists of a sequence of commands. It is, for the most part, a free form language. That is, lines don’t have to start or end at or before a particular column; they can just continue on the next line. White space is ignored except for the separation of tokens.

Mwnci is Welsh for Monkey, and pronounced moon-key, but with a shorter “oo” (as in look/book). It’s fine to say monkey

It is designed with linux administration in mind, so most (well, practically all) built-ins and included (imported) functions are written for linux, with one or two additions for freebsd. So feel free to add your own.

The source code has many many examples for you to peruse, and at some point I’ll add them to this site.

The source can be downloaded from here: Mwnci